Rebirth of Sports Rivals

I mean this blog, and not the rivalry that the four players seem to have had in the past. I remember the days when it was obviously Ronaldo vs. Kaka and Roger Federer vs. Rafael Nadal. But then soccer and lawn tennis is not really just a rivalry between two people. There are other prominent and talented players in the fields and they just keep coming for the crown and the glory. Andy Murray, for example, is the talk of the British media. Ronaldo is still as popular as ever, but he's constantly being pitted against others (last one I heard was against Lionel Messi, who is also a very talented soccer player).

I guess I felt down when Federer started his meltdown after losing to Nadal, although I have no ill feelings towards Nadal. He is a great player, too. But Federer losing made me lose some motivation in continuing this blog. Childish, I know. But time management also became a problem.

Thankfully, I can set aside some time now for more postin' lovin' to this blog. Let's start at how the our favorite top players are doing now, shall we?



June 9, 2009 at 8:06 PM

Ronaldo is still as popular as ever, but he's constantly being pitted against others (last one I heard was against Lionel Messi, who is also a very talented soccer player).

You Sir are a JOKE! Get another hobby, football bloging is not your thing.
Lionel Messi, who is also a very talented soccer player).
By far the whole world know who is the very best footballer on the Planet! Its Easy! It's Lionel Messi!


June 10, 2009 at 12:55 AM

Everyone has their favorites, buddy. Read my blog's subtitle. I acknowledge Messi's greatness, but my blog is about Kaka and Ronaldo.